Sunday, May 27, 2007

My daughter's engaged!!!!

This is my daughter, Kylee Marie. She's 23 and the light of my life. On Friday, May 18 she bought her first house and on Thursday, May 24 Mr. Wonderful proposed! They were at the Hello Goodbye concert and when the band performed "their song," Mr.W got down on one knee and asked Kylee to marry him. (He'd asked my husband for permission the day before -- how noble!)
MATCHMAKER ME introduced them two and 1/2 years ago. Go me! So I saw them when they first set eyes on each other and I'll always remember that day. The photo at left was taken shortly after they became "an item" -- her fiance was "surfer boy" back then.

We found her perfect dress yesterday and ordered it. She only tried one on and that was IT. As far as a date -- her two brothers (my sons) are both (out of the country, shall we say), so we'll have to wait until they get back.

Here's a much more mature photo of them at the Ninja Party they had for Austin before he left the US.

Kylee gave me a Guide for the Mother of the Bride book! Now I have something positive to focus on and be involved in. We're going to their house this afternoon to visit with Mr.W's parents and grandparents (I know is dad real well through work). The book says "an impromptu get together the weekend after he proposes is a good chance to become acquainted with his family." So here we go.


Michele said...

OMG! Is that not romantic or what??!! Congratulations on that for sure! That is just sooooo sweet... wonderful pictures... awwww....
Jo Ann... this blog is just beautiful.. I'm enjoying this side of you so much. Keep up this work, I love it. I hope you are enjoying putting it together as much as I am reading it!
Take care, big big hug for you. I will write very soon!

Sarge Charlie said...

Congratulation JoAnn, and the young man looks like a lucky fellow to me. I hope your sons can make the wedding.

Happy Memorial Day.......

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Congrats! I'm glad you have something positive to work on. This sounds like it might take up quite a bit of your time. My daughter is only 13 so I have another 20-25 years before having to worry about this. Right?